
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Sermon | Fruit of the Spirit: Peace (Ephesians 2:13-22)
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
This sermon walks through peace - another fruit of the Spirit - and talks about the promise of peace, how there can possibly be peace, and what that peace looks like.

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Sermon | Fruit of the Spirit: Love (Galatians 5:16-26)
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
This sermon goes through the fruit of love, specifically answering the question: what does the Bible say about love?

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Sermon | Walking by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Paul works through the question: how do we walk by the Spirit?

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Sermon | Faith in a Fuzzy World (1 Timothy 6:11-21)
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Paul talks about "focused faith in a fuzzy world" with 7 action words.

Friday Jun 04, 2021
That‘ll Preach | Why Aren‘t Christians Nice? (Mere Christianity Series)
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
We finish our series on Mere Christianity by looking at C.S. Lewis's answer to why Christians do not seem to be as nice as they should be. What does it mean to be "nice"? And why does it seem like Christians don't live up to what they profess? They answer might surprise you.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Sermon | Disorder in the House (1 Timothy 6:1-10)
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Paul talks about how chaos creates disorder; he addresses slavery, conspiracy, and greed.

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Sermon | Caring for Elders (1 Timothy 5:17-25)
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Paul tells the church how to care for elders.

Tuesday May 25, 2021
That'll Preach | Why Christianity is Hard and Easy (Mere Christianity Series)
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Jesus tells us that his yoke is easy and his burden light. He also calls us to pick up our cross and follow him. How do these two statements work together? C.S. Lewis gives us helpful insight about how our obedience and God's grace work together. Also Paul talks about snow.

Thursday May 20, 2021
Sermon | Caring for Widows (1 Timothy 5:1-16)
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Paul discusses defining relationships and the role of widows in the church (specifically dignity and distinction).

Tuesday May 18, 2021
That‘ll Preach | Fake It Till You Make It (Mere Christianity Series)
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Is it ok to "fake it till you make it" with Christianity? The answer might surprise you. Join us as we continue our series on Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Also find out Bryan's controversial take on diets.