
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Sermon | Joseph Revealed (Genesis 45:1-28)
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Joseph reveals himself to his brothers.

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Teaching | Hosea: Do You Want to Be Healed? (Hosea 6-7)
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Our Hosea series continues with a question: do we really want to be healed? God's mercy is greater than we can imagine, but our pride keeps us from what we need. We cannot receive healing on our terms. We must submit to what God has revealed in his word.

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
That‘ll Preach | You Are Your Habits (Why Church Matters Series)
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
We are creatures of habit. The question is what habits do we cultivate? Bryan and Paul talk about the importance of liturgy. Liturgy has been one of the primary tools throughout church history of forming Christians through repetition, ritual, and reflection. Christianity takes practice. It takes thoughtful discipline. And it takes actually being around other Christians doing the same things.

Monday Oct 12, 2020
Sermon | Joseph‘s Test (Genesis 44:1-34)
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Joseph tests his brothers.

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Teaching | Hosea: A Warning to Leaders (Hosea 4-5)
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
We continue our Hosea series with a sober warning to leaders. We also look at why we should be careful in applying OT Israel passages to our nation today.

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
That‘ll Preach | The Church is Your Mom (Why Church Matters Series)
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
We know God is our Father, but rarely do we consider the church as our mother. But this is the historic position. Cyprian, a third century bishop, once said, "No one can have God as Father who does not have the church as Mother." Now before your Roman Catholic alarms go off, let's remember that John Calvin quoted Cyprian favorably. Mr. Reformer himself believed that the church is God's tool for raising Christians. She nurtures us and brings us to full maturity. Bryan and Paul dive into a new series called Why Church Matters to bring a deeper understanding of how God works through the church to grow healthy Christians.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Sermon | God‘s Gracious Gathering (Genesis 43:1-34)
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
The gathering of brothers in Joseph's story.

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Teaching | Hosea: How God Loves (Hosea 3)
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Our series on Hosea continues with a look at how God's discipline demonstrates his love. This series is meant to help you get familiar with the themes and ideas of the OT as well as remind you of God's unchanging character.

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Sermon | A Severe Mercy (Genesis 42:1-38)
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
We look at God's severe mercy in Joseph's story.

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Bryan and Paul interview Guillaume Bignon about his radical conversion from atheist rock star and volleyball athlete to Christian husband, father, philosopher, and apologist. Through his own reading of the Bible and the friendship of a pastor, Guillaume realized that he did not understand the Christian faith he rejected. This led him on a path of difficult questions, long nights, and ultimately a powerful realization of what makes the gospel good news. Skip to 3:30 to skip the banter and get to the good stuff.
Check out Guillaume's book: